the journey of motherhood
with Lisa Rombach


an 8 week online journey

from October 21 to Dec 16, 2024
Live classes Monday at 3pm Berlin Time

Bonus Classes with
Thea Maillard, Elmira Ploutarchos
Mary Maxfield , Theresa Köckeritz
and Lucy Rowett

based on the curriculum
Kimberly Ann Johnson

Klicke hier fĂĽr den DEUTSCHEN Mother Circle

The hidden contracts of motherhood"

on Fri, Oct 18 from 3pm - 4.15pm CET

By signing up for this event, you agree to receive my newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

"Mothering is one of the wildest journeys.

These past few years have brought most of us even more reckonings, more double binds, and more impossible choices.

We need time and space to metabolize everything we’ve been through.

To gather with like-hearted people who get what it means to be attuned, sensitive and deeply connected to what the earth is communicating."

Mother Circle is an 8-session curriculum created by Kimberly Ann Johnson, for mothers who want to explore the invisible arc of their motherhood journey, orienting themselves to find greater clarity and access their inner wisdom.
Many mothers feel lost and disconnected in the face of the profound changes that motherhood brings.
Mother Circle offers guidance and nurtures body and soul, so you can navigate motherhood with compassion and gentle strength.



Who is Mother Circle for?

MotherCircle is for mothers at all stages of their journey—whether you're navigating early motherhood, raising older children, or reflecting on your role as a mother. It’s designed for those seeking connection, support, and guidance as they explore the deep changes that motherhood brings. This circle is also open to future mothers or women supporting mothers, offering a nurturing space to reflect, share, and grow. If you desire more clarity, balance, and wisdom in your journey, MotherCircle is for you:

  • Mothers of all ages and backgrounds, including adoptive mothers and mothers of children who are not on earth.

  • Women who want to be mothers and come together cultivating maternal wisdom

  • Professionals who care for mothers: childbirth educators, doulas, gynecologists, midwives, and therapists

Join us online starting October 21st 2024!

320 Eur

2x monthly payments available

  • 8 x 60 - 75 min live online classes on Monday at 8am CT / 3pm CET
  • 5 live Bonus classes with inspiring guest teachers on Wednesdays
  • time for yourself with yourself and an inspiring group of other women
  • recordings of our shared practices available for 1 year
  • private breakout rooms (not recorded)
  •  PDF materials for each class to reflect and journal


It takes a village to raise a child,
and it takes a village to raise a mother.

Let's create that village.



We'll meet in 8 circles to explore the hidden arc of motherhood

Oct 21 - MotherDive

Entering motherhood is an underworld journey often not seen and recognized by the outer world. Learn the arc of this journey, the tools to be present to it, and be witnessed as you locate yourself within it.

Oct 28 - MotherCycle

Awareness of our cyclical nature can help us align with our innate wisdom as mothers.. Explore how being in rhythm with the cycles in and around us gives us more access to our wholeness and our power.

Nov 4 - MotherBody

Everything a new baby needs, a new mother also needs. Learn a powerful framework for assessing your physical and emotional wellness, and how to tend to what’s needed in your body no matter where you are at in your motherhood journey.

Nov 18 - MotherJaguar

The predator - prey dynamic is present in our experience of birth and motherhood. Explore how this awareness and understanding of your nervous system can impact your everyday life and mothering.

Nov 25 - MotherBirth

Birth is an initiatory experience that fundamentally changes us. We’ll explore ways to access and share this experience that locates the wisdom that it has to offer for our motherhood journeys

Dec 2 - MotherLover

There is often a split between being a mother and being sexual. Learn how to connect with your ever changing sexuality as a mother and become more at home in your body and your sexuality.

Dec 9 - MotherWorth

Motherhood changes how we relate to our work in the world. Explore the relationship between your worth and your value and anchor the things that nurture your worth as part of your mothering practice.

Dec 16 - MotherCode

We have a powerful opportunity to imagine the legacy we’d like to leave. We are shaped by our motherline and the mothers around us, and we can choose what we want to carry forward. We’ll Identify the values that we want to guide our mothering and shape our lineage.

"Mothering well requires community, and the mirroring and witnessing that comes with it.


Without it, we are constantly depleted, taking from our own reserves to feed everyone else."

Kimberly Ann Johnson

the invisible contracts of motherhood"

on Fri, Oct 18 from 3pm - 4.15pm CET

By signing up for this event, you agree to receive my newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

"Lisa’s playful heart interweaves the challenging places of being with the radiant beauty of becoming. "

Miriam K.

"Whenever I am in Lisa's spaces I feel my body doing a big exhale, like I can really be myself and be still."
Lucy R.

"Lisa has a unique ability to tap into the womb of the inner world - that place within ourselves that is very secure."

Ale D.

"I love your range, you can be sweet, slow and soft all the way to confronting, fierce and fiery."

Renee R.

Lisa Rombach 


Lisa is a dedicated leader in the field of relational embodiment, with over 15 years of experience as a somatic educator and a lifelong love story with music as a vocal artist.

Her work supports women across generations by inviting them to follow their bodie's wisdom into deeper alignment with their soul’s desires. Lisa’s warmth and generosity open spaces for healing and growth.
She is the mother of two earth children and a star child and intimately understands the depths of loss and the power of resilience.

As the host of the Mother Circle series, Lisa teaches the 8 powerful core sessions, bringing her warmth, depth, and compassion to every encounter. She is passionate about uplifting women, particularly therapists, mothers, and space holders, helping them deepen their capacity for nurturing relationships and inspiring impact in their communities.

Lisa’s approach combines attuned presence with a profound understanding of different body systems, nervous system states and collective healing. She works closely with her clients to help them align their embodied wisdom, authentic voice and creative force into a colorful tapestry of enriching experiences.

With extensive training in the Feldenkrais Method, Somatic Experiencing, structural bodywork, developmental coaching and attachment healing, Lisa offers transformative guidance that bridges inner and outer worlds, allowing possibilities to become lived realities.

She loves to craft powerful, intimate dialogues that change both the narrative of life and the felt experience of every moment.

For the beautiful work of her husband, Alé Duarte, Lisa hosts training programs for therapists, educators, and social entrepreneurs. They deliver courses that foster resilience and connection, with a focus on somatic process facilitation.

It was during this journey that Lisa connected with Kimberly Ann Johnson, who collaborated with Alé on a course on Jaguar Parenting.

Lisa’s pioneering work in embodied relational presence continues to inspire. Whether in Vienna or online, she provides transformative spaces for women to grow in love, confidence, and connection.

Bonus Sessions
Wednesdays 3pm Berlin Times

Mother Creativity

In her class on Creativity in Motherhood, Thea invites us to bring our creative energies into flow. Through a mindful and intimate exploration, we will have the opportunity to reconnect with our own creativity. This session offers a supportive space where mothers can explore the obstacles that block their creativity and find ways to release them. Thea will guide participants in reconnecting with their innate creative power.

Thea Maillard

Thea is a certified Yoga teacher, Doula, Vaginal Steaming facilitator, and educator in Women's Health and Menstruality. Originally from Berlin, she now lives in Vienna. After years of managing her yoga studio in East London, Thea’s struggle with endometriosis forced her to slow down and find alternative ways to manage her pain when conventional medicine had limited options. This led her to dive deep into Menstrual Cycle Awareness and natural fertility practices.

Thea is passionate about helping women reconnect with their menstrual cycles, believing it unlocks profound wisdom and power. She offers 1:1 sessions both in person and online, empowering women to live in harmony with their bodies.

Meet Thea

Mother Embodiment

In Mother Embodiment, Elmira invites women to reconnect with their bodies in a simple and mindful way. The intention of the class is to use somatic practices and guided movements to help mothers relax, regulate, and reconnect with themselves. It is a space for self-exploration, to feel what needs to be felt, or to express what wants to be expressed, allowing the body to unfold intuitively at its own pace. The exercises are practical and easy to integrate into everyday life.

Elmira Ploutarchos

Elmira is a Somatic Coach and specializes in Embodied Motherhood. As a twin mother she was pushed out of her comfort with the challenging birth of her daughters and the unexpected postpartum depression. She had to go through a a long underworld journey which led her to a deeper connection with herself and life. She believes that motherhood is the initiation to an integrated and conscious femininity, which is why dance, embodiment and nervous system awareness is the foundation of her offer.

Elmira is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in Training, certified MotherCircle Facilitator, certified pre- and postnatal yoga teacher. She lives in Lisbon and offers 1:1 session in person and online.

Meet Elmira

Mother Trust

In "Mother Trust," Mary and Lisa engage in a rich conversation exploring fundamental well-being and the state of flow as the foundation for shifting the quality of our everyday experiences. This class will delve into how trust in life can reshape the way we hold our responsibilities and how our relationship with our children changes when we ourselves feel supported and held. Through dialogue and reflection, participants will be invited to explore how cultivating trust in life’s flow can bring more ease, connection, and resilience into their mothering journey. 

Mary Maxfield

Mary is a mother, educator, and creator passionate about slow, intentional living. Her work is rooted in her own journey through motherhood, spiritual growth, and the profound lessons that arise from life’s thresholds. She believes in embracing the beauty and chaos of life, helping women reconnect with their inherent gifts, grace, and the wisdom that comes from living fully in the present moment.

Through her experience of navigating personal transformation, relationships, and the joys and challenges of a growing family, she supports others in finding wholeness and balance. Mary is inviting mothers to expand their capacity for life, love, and connection.


Meet Mary

Mother Patchwork

In MotherPatchwork, Theresa explores how changes in family structure can bring additional emotional layers to the surface. She will guide participants through a reflective process on the expectations they have of life and motherhood, which often diverge from reality. By navigating these unexpected transitions, Theresa helps mothers recognize and tend to the emotional charges that arise, allowing them to approach these changes with greater clarity, flexibility, and resilience. This session offers tools and insights to help participants realign with life’s unpredictability while finding their center in the midst of shifting family dynamics.

Theresa Köckeritz

Theresa is a Leadership Expert and Coach for Executives in the field of early childhood education.
She is a Mother of a 5 year old daughter and went through
the transition of Co-Parenting her daughter since she is 3 years old. From that place she had to learn and is still learning that life unfolds differently than you expect and what it takes to navigate these Changes while tending heartbreak, mothering, moving places and building your own business and a new life.

Meet Theresa

Mother Shame

In Mother Shame, Lucy Rowett invites participants to explore the intersection of motherhood, eroticism, and the shame that often surrounds both. This session will provide a space for mothers to uncover and release deep-rooted shame, and reconnect with their sensuality and pleasure. Lucy also acknowledges the challenges women face on the path to motherhood—whether through conception, pregnancy, or adoption—and how these experiences can shape their relationship with their bodies. Through somatic practices and open discussion, Lucy helps mothers reclaim their bodies as sources of joy and empowerment, free from societal taboos.

Lucy Rowett

Lucy is a somatic sexologist and intimacy coach, passionate about helping intelligent, driven women feel fabulous in their bodies, experience epic sex, and embrace pleasure without shame. With her engaging and down-to-earth approach, Lucy makes conversations about sex as natural as discussing dinner plans, and helps women reclaim their full erotic selves.

Nominated for Somatic Sexologist of the Year at the 2023 Sexual Freedom Awards, Lucy hosts the podcast The Naked and Unashamed Life and is frequently featured in the media for her expertise on sex and intimacy. She currently lives in Vienna with her German husband and loves traveling, networking, and sipping Earl Grey tea.

Meet Elmira

Join us online starting October 21st 2024!

320 Eur

2 x monthly payments available

  • 8 x 60 - 75 min live online classes on Monday at 8am CT / 3pm CET
  • 5 x live Bonus classes with inspiring guest teachers on Wednesdays
  • time for yourself with yourself and an inspiring group of other women
  • recordings of our shared practices available for 1 year
  • private breakout rooms (not recorded)
  •  PDF materials for each class to reflect and journal

the invisible contracts of motherhood"

on Fri, Oct 18 from 3pm - 4.15pm CET

By signing up for this event, you agree to receive my newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.