Work with me

About Circle of Nurture

"If you want great relationships in your life, 
invest in living them inside yourself." 

Lisa Rombach

About Circle of Nurture

Circle of Nurture is a space dedicated to helping caregivers, artists, and space holders deepen their ability to stay grounded and centered in relationships. Through somatic practices, we explore authentic connection, allowing you to align with your truth and bring your gifts into the world without sacrificing your well-being. Together, we bridge inner and outer worlds with curiosity, compassion, and playfulness. My mission is to nurture authentic relationships that allows to become more whole on an individual and collective level.

About me

I’m Lisa Rombach, a somatic practitioner, educator, and mother passionate about helping women and other human wonders reconnect with their bodies and the wisdom they carry. With over 15 years of experience in Feldenkrais, Somatic Experiencing, and relational coaching, I support caregivers, artists, and therapists in nurturing embodied, authentic connections. My mission is to guide you back to your body’s natural intelligence, creating more presence, ease, and joy in your relationships and daily life.
Together with amazing collaborators I'm bringing the vision to life to create more supportive spaces for those who care.

What got me here

In 2018, after 10 years as a somatic process facilitator I founded Circle of Nurture as an invitation to deepen and expand our capacity for self love, presence and connection.
I understand my work as a trauma informed travel companion to help you get in touch with different aspects of being, experiencing and acting. I want us to listen to the ever-present wisdom in our cells and the intelligence in collective fields that communicates with us on so many levels. I connect with amazing people who want to co-create a culture of attunement and mutual respect where our inner wisdom can emerge and manifest.
As a collective intelligence we want to invite these often dormant voices to be spoken and heard so we can each calibrate our own inner compasses.
In times when our leaders fail to act with integrity, each one of us is called to cultivate values that will help present and future generations repair the damage created by those who act from a deep disconnect to the whole. This is my invitation to support a culture of compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others, so every one of us can become a healthy expression of the whole we all are.
Big thanks to the amazing people that share this journey!

Meet the amazing collaborators who share their presence & wisdom 
at Circle of Nurture in Vienna & Online

Melinda Várfi

Participatory Process Facilitator
Vienna / Budapest

Lucy Rowett

Vienna / London

Thea Maillard

Yoga teacher & Doula
Vienna / Berlin

Elmira Ploutarchos

Somatic Motherhood Coach 

Mary Maxfield

Motherhood Educator & Creator

Theresa Köckeritz

Educational Leadership Mentor

 Ulya Yavuz-Ziegler

Pelvic Floor Expert

Stay connected for resources, upcoming courses, and nurturing practices designed to deepen your connection to self and others.
Your journey to embodied presence starts here!


"Curiosity, love, stillness, primal trust, play, patience and surrender connect me to the pure joy of being in the present moment - they are my secret doors to abundance.

My passion is to invite fellow humans into a more supportive intimate relationship with themselves and to encourage listening to the innate wisdom of our beings. I believe in a life fully lived, self love and co-creation.

I am here to accompany the emergence of more truth, love and connection in your life."

Lisa Rombach

"Neugier, Liebe, Stille, Urvertrauen, Spiel, Geduld und Hingabe verbinden mich mit der reinen Freude des gegenwärtigen Moments – sie sind meine geheimen Türen zur Fülle.

Meine Leidenschaft ist es, Menschen in eine unterstützende, intime Beziehung mit sich selbst einzuladen und sie zu ermutigen, auf die angeborene Weisheit ihres Seins zu hören. Ich glaube an ein Leben, das in seiner Fülle gelebt wird, an Selbstliebe und Co-Kreation.

Ich bin hier, um die Entfaltung von mehr Wahrheit, Liebe und Verbindung in deinem Leben zu begleiten."

Lisa Rombach